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From Fawning to Fierce

Unraveling the Pattern of People Pleasing


You know the drill, you were raised to please others before yourself.

It meant you were "good," it was a Virtue.

Sometimes it just meant you had to- to feel safe.

BUT NOW, it's gone too far. 

It's a habit,

a default setting.

You give until you're empty, burnt out, beyond exhausted.

Because when we're givers, we don't expect reciprocity, 

sometimes we'll even refuse it if it's offered.

The good news is that this is All Programming, and programming can be unraveled, thanks to consciousness technologies and neuro-plasticity.

You are not the child anymore who has to perform to be good, to make others happy.


It's not your job to sacrifice your own needs, wants & desires for anyone.

You are not here to be a Martyr.

You are here to honor yourself, 

to be seen and honored by others.

To own your desires, your needs, your wants.

There is no shame in this. 

There is only this moment where it all begins to change..

Because You DECIDE it is.

Because you CHOOSE you.

Because you DESIRE the freedom that comes with authenticity, ownership and integrity.

You are READY to experience your own fierce protection, your healthy boundaries,

the pleasure of just getting to finally


without fawning, without selling yourself short.

You get to meet a whole new version of you, and hot damn is it exciting!

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How, though?

   There are three ways to work together to unravel this pattern of people pleasing for good.

                                                        Choose one or all three!

Fawning to Fierce FREE Masterclass & Group Healing   LIVE November 4th, 2021  (90 minutes) 

                                                                                       (new call coming soon in 2023)

Fawning to Fierce Group Program (8 + week group healing series) -

                                                       Starts March, 2023


Fawning to Fierce 1:1 Immersion  (8 private sessions) -Available now!

                                                           (payment plans available)

The Vision

  • I'm holding this vision of you:

  • You in your divine authenticity.

  • You feeling amazing about being yourself and being in integrity.

  • Your relationships thriving.

  • You feeling proud of yourself for healing what only you can heal.

  • You feeling at home in yourself because you can finally trust yourself.

  • You speaking your Truth because you deserve to be heard.               

    • Can you feel it?                                           REGISTER NOW

artist: Cynthia Shepard
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